Animated screenshots from Cornelius And Zira.
Cornelius (David Barclay) and Milo (Gary Cook)
Milo (Gary Cook) enters Liberty 1. Foreground miniature built by Dave.
"Ursus and I are going into the Forbidden Zone."
Zaius (Ernest Morris) and Aboro (Frank Seymour) in Zaius's office.
Dave Barclay as Cornelius in Milo's cave.
Zira (Jackie Lawrence) and Cornelius (Dave Barclay) leave Milo's cave.
Watercolour foreground miniature created by Dave.
Gary as Milo in Dr Zaius's office.
Aboro (Frank Seymour) in Zaius's office.
Don't look at the camera!
Gary as Milo.
Zira (Jackie Lawrence) and Milo (Gary Cook).
David Barclay as Cornelius.
Milo (Gary Cook) in his cave.
Gary as Milo.
Cornelius (David Barclay), Zira (Jackie Lawrence) and Milo (Gary Cook) on their way to the cave.
Liberty 1 in flight. Foreground miniature.
Cornelius (Dave Barclay) and Zira (Jackie Lawrence) board Liberty 1.
Milo (Gary Cook) in the cave.
Cornelius (Dave Barclay) greets Milo (Gary Cook) on his return from Ape City.
Milo (Gary Cook)
Zaius (Ernest Morris) in his office.
Cornelius (with bald hands) (Dave Barclay)
examines the remains of an extinct mammal in the cave with Milo (Gary Cook).
"Catch me if you can!"
Zira (Jackie Lawrence) and Cornelius (Dave Barclay).
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